QDMA Derby City Branch

Ensuring the future of white-tailed deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage.

  1. Where will this Branch be located? The new Derby City Branch is centered around Louisville, KY- the home of the 2009 QDMA National Convention. We will utilize local sporting good store conference 
  2. When is this Branch Forming? Derby City Branch was formed in 2009.
  3. How much time will it require to volunteer for leadership? You determine as a Branch. Some positions (such as president) do require much more time volunteered than other roles. We can discuss this time commitment at our formation meeting.
  4. What does a Branch do? A Branch is a group of QDMA members who are interested in promoting the science and philosophy of QDM and the QDMA. QDMA Branches hold a variety of activities including educational seminars, field days, kids' days and fundraising raffles and banquets. Each QDMA Branch is required to hold at least one educational event and one fundraising banquet per year.
  5. Why host and educational event? Education should be the focus of the Branch. If you are not educating, you cannot improve deer hunting in Louisville! QDMA hopes to educate local volunteers and empower them to educate our communities.
  6. Why host a banquet? The Banquet provides greatly needed finances for our mission. We have many great programs that require funding, and dollars raised at banquets allows us to meet those goals. A specified percentage of the Banquet proceeds may be kept for your local projects. Please know that we allow your Branch to conduct other fund-raisers besides the banquet, that allow you to build more funds for the local mission.
  7. What sponsor opportunities are there? We have many events that allow your product or service to be advertised. The local board of directors will review along with the Regional Director which companies best fit our model. We have many mailings that need to be underwritten for postage, and we would love to share your new product or service while doing so. WE DO NOT SELL OUR LISTS TO ANYONE!!! Therefore, please do not ask. If you do not want to help us underwrite the cost of our mailings, you may be interested in a booth at our banquet, educational event, or National Convention. Please email bnentrup@qdma.com or call 724-578-2811 for more information about sponsor opportunities with this local Branch.